Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Rain, Rain ... Hurray!

The rains are here and, yes, I'm happy :) True it'll take a while to wash away all the white stuff. And in the meantime there'll be lots of black slushy stuff on the roads. Still. The snow is going and that makes me happy.

Today I spent the day parading a group of second graders around an outdoor museum. It was fun but I froze my toes off even though I wore my warmest boots. I've resorted to wearing slippers at home in an attempt to warm my feet. Even though I hate slippers.

Tomorrow I have a self-imposed stay home day. I'm expecting a delivery and intentionally told them they could come any time during the day. It'll force me to stay home and write. Then unpack. Then write some more. Um, provided they don't make the delivery first thing in the morning and I'm tempted to go to the mall to finish my Christmas shopping. We'll see.

Have you finished buying for all your loved ones yet?

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