Thursday, January 01, 2009

I resolve to ...

Happy 2009!

I remember Oprah once saying there are years of questions and years of answers. Well, 2008 brought a ton of questions and challenges my way. It seemed every aspect of my life was in turmoil at one point or another. It's true that challenges and difficulties can really teach you a lot about who you are and what you want out of life, however, I'm hoping for a less dramatic and more fulfilling 2009!

I usually make my new year resolutions around my birthday in March. Do you make resolutions?


wend said...

I don't usually make any resolutions but, as I turn 40 this year, I have resolved not to be 'fat and 40'!

Wendy Roberts said...

WR,I believe I have to work on the 'fat' part of 40 myself lol! Happy new year!

azusmom said...

I'm turning 40, too! In July. I don't make new Year's resolutions, but it seems I'm on a constant path to self-improvement. It's all about the journey, right? LOL!
(BTW, just started "Devil May Ride" and am loving it. I adored "Remains of the Dead.")