Friday, February 22, 2008

Where oh Where to Die?

I'm working on the third book in the Ghost Dusters series and I'm trying to come up with a place for a character to die. This is not a traumatic death. No knife or gunshot wounds. This is an unattended death. Someone died of natural causes and the body just wasn't discovered for a while. Oh yeah and the place has to be a public location of some kind.
I'm looking for suggestions and to sweeten the pot I'm offering a copy of Allison Brennan's Killing Fear and I'll also send you a signed copy of Remains of the Dead. Hey, if you've already read my book you can give it to a friend :)

So tell me where you think this character should die.

There have been so many great suggestions, I'm going to make the draw after the weekend. Keep 'em coming!


The (Mis)Adventures of a Single City Chick said...

If it's in Seattle, I'd suggest somewhere in the Arboretum. Public place, yet plenty of lush landscape where someone could remain concealed for a while. Maybe a jogger, or some corporate suit who liked to go there to commune with nature during lunch hours? :-) Or even down in the sculpture park along the waterfront.


Anonymous said...

There is a little park on top of Queen Anne hill called Parson's Gardens. The bulk of it is an open grassy area, but the perimeters are mature (tall) landscaping. Also in the Northwest corner there is a bench that is nearly hidden. Sometimes I go there to read & people won't realize I am there until I walk out.

Depending on how long they need to go undiscovered, what about the troll in Fremont? The decendent could climb on top of his head & pass away up there?

There is also a park on lower Queen Anne at the west end of Roy Street. Pretty isolated, I don't think anyone but dog walkers & homeless people go in. There is a tennis court, too, but it is in disrepair,

I can take pictures if you is right down the street :-)

conley730 said...

How about a cemetery or a public library. There are some pretty out of the way places you can go in a library.

Wendy Roberts said...

Christina, I'd never considered the Arboretum. It has definite potential!

Sam's lackey, I love all your suggestions. The Parson's Garden area sounds perfect for a scene I'm working on right now. I'd originally planned to have a woman scared by a guy stepping out in front of her in Discover Park but I like the idea of Parson's Garden. I'd love pics of the Roy Street one, if you get a chance. You can email them to me at wendy at wendyroberts dot com.

Keep 'em coming people. I have lots of people to kill :)

Wendy Roberts said...

Conley, what kind of libraries do you hang out in? Kidding! I've been to some real old ones that definitely have areas rarely used. Good idea!

Chandra Rooney said...

...the airport! (I'm pretty sure I've died of boredom there.)

I got nothing. :(

tetewa said...

How about the dressing room in a Department store. The person went in to try some clothes on and never comes out!

Wendy Roberts said...

Chandra, LOL at dying of boredom in an airport! I think we've all been there.

Tetewa, there've definitely been outfits that make me want to die once I've tried them on *snort* Not sure how a person could be dead in a change room for long...unless, of course, the staff is really unobservant.

Anonymous said...

Taking it one step further, how about a college library? I know mine had some pretty desolate places you could hide away in *g*

conley730 said...

A warehouse? There's so much stuff in there someone could probably go unnoticed for a while.

Anonymous said...

A public bathroom. In a park maybe. They slipped on urine and cracked their skull on the commode.

Okay, I'm warped.

Ellory said...

LOL.. some of these are great suggestions.

You need a place that they would need to call in their services so having them die out in the open wouldn't work.

I like the idea of a public rest room but then I'd worry, aren't they suppose to be cleaned every so often.

How about a rest room in a gas station. You can stop by one and not thing anything of a locked door.

Anonymous said...

how about a storage unit. there are some that are inside and air conditioned.

Wendy Roberts said...

Wow these are some AWESOME suggestions! I could kill people all day long, um, on paper of course :)

conley730 said...

There's always a hotel/motel room and the maid finds the body.

B.E. Sanderson said...

How about a sports stadium during the off season? I snuck into the football stadium at the University of Michigan in March once. Not a soul around, snow everywhere, very large and desolate inside.

Barring that, any summer place that's generally closed for the winter would work. A waterpark? public swimming pool? Someone could die in the concession stand or the office.

Sorry I can't be more helpful. I've never been to Seattle. =o(

Anissa said...

How about a modern art exhibit at some off-the-beaten-path gallery. You know art can get all kinds of bizarre. Maybe someone didn't feel well, sat down and tumbled into one of the large pieces. No one noticed until the exhibit was taken down (or the smell became obvious).

Wendy Roberts said...

Conley, that might work for a few days, particularly if the room is paid in advance and there's a do not disturb sign on the door.

Cindy, falls in bathrooms are pretty common so I could totally see this! Oh and, yes, I'm warped too.

Ann, some of those service station bathrooms are a horror story onto themselves, aren't they?! Ewww

Anon, a storage unit is a very interesting idea. Hmmm.

b.e., off season places are great if I want the body there for months. Great idea! It doesn't have to be Seattle specific.

Anissa, you're thinking the victim fell INTO the art? That would definitely be interesting. Especially, if they had to break the art piece open to get the swollen body out...

B.E. Sanderson said...

Ooo. I just had a thought. How about a public school during summer break? Or a defunct school building they're no longer using? The same with old church buildings, summer camps, etc. Hehee, there are a wealth of places for people to croak and not be found for months.

Wendy Roberts said...

Ooooh, b.e., I love the idea of a school during break!

Anonymous said...

oh! Oh! Oh! I have the school for you. This pic has an oudated satellite photo... the area that looks like dirt is now a beautiful park. The building faceing 26th is an old school. mostly (sadly) boarded up. A body could be there.,-122.39027&sspn=0.013808,0.026822&ie=UTF8&ll=47.64002,-122.39034&spn=0.003452,0.006706&t=h&z=18

Wendy Roberts said...

Sam's, thanks for the photo! I wish I'd had it last time I was in Seattle because I'm definitely intrigued. I've saved it to my research file for further investigating.

Anonymous said...

Scenario for the large department store changing rooom: Store is closing for a 2 week renovation. Two people left in store before closing, one goes into changing rooms to check them out and other finishes covering merchandise in rear of store. The one in the changing room never comes out but it is assumed by the other that he had left without saying anything. The changing room is sealed by workers the next day to prevent dust during renovation. Since changing rooms are not being renovated, no one finds the body until store is being inspected for the reopening.