<----Another thing powered by chocolate.
Yesterday I went to the market and loaded up on tons of fresh fruit and vegies to nibble while I worked at the computer. In the end, the berries and broccoli went uneaten and there was a pile of Hershey kisses wrappers. I am sooooo weak!
Lately, I've had a real craving for chocolate. How about you? Any cravings you're caving into, or are you going strictly healthy these days?
A car that runs on chocolate? That's just a wrong use of chocolate.
I love chocolate but I crave chips as much if not more sometimes.
I too am powered by chocolate and have purchased some Mars bars as a finish line incentive for my 5km charity run this Sunday (do you have Mars bars over there??). As I sit here at my laptop at 9.30pm, half an hour to bedtime, I am constantly thinking about the bag of Maltesers in the other room and trying hard not to cave in.
The other thing I crave is what we would call chips but you guys call fries. I love chunky wedges dipped in mayonaise - yum! and chip butties with tomato sauce...
better go now and wipe the drool off my chin - I bet I won't be able to sleep now!
other WR
Tori, I'm an equal opportunity craver. I usually like a few pringles with my chocolate lol!
Wend, we certainly DO have Mars bars - YUM! Not sure if they're in the States as well... Tori? Anyone? We noticed your Mars packages were slightly different then ours but the same yummy goodness on the inside :)
I don't live a million miles away from the Cadbury factory so it's also only right that I support the local economy and purchase the odd bar or three... And my cousin lives in Switzerland and works for Nestle - when my sister and I visited we took with us barely more than a change of underwear and came back with bags so full of chocolate we could barely carry them!
other WR
We used to have Mars bars here in the states, but I haven't seen one in a long time. (Of course, I haven't really looked for them either.) I'm trying to eat better, but I crave chocolate, chips, cheezypoofs, ice cream... Must be time for another yogurt if I'm craving that much bad stuff this early. ;o)
I should not have read this blog after eating a salad for lunch, I am soooo trying to be good at watching my weight. I love chocolate covered pretzles they are the best combination of sweet and salty.
I'm pretty sure I've seen Mars bars fairly recently. I'm mostly a Hershey's girl, myself, though.
Did someone say Pringles? I love it and even though I know I shouldn't consume the whole package, I do.
I think we still have Mars, although I prefer Snickers.
Snickers used to be called Marathon in the UK but then we were renamed in line with you guys - I miss Marathon!
Has anyone noticed that, once 'chocolate' is in the title, this is one of the most active posts ever? spooky!
other WR
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