Here are a few pictures of the writers hard at work on Bowen Island :)

Here we are in the beautiful gardens of the Old Dorm. Trust me, we were just about to write. Or maybe we'd just finished.

This is me at Snug Cove. Our path to dinner went right past this beautiful spot. Honest, we were writing hard before we left.

I was sitting at the table in the distance and, yes, I believe some pages were written just prior to photo.
Mary Forbes in front of the Old Dorm sign as we said goodbye.
Hey, it may look like it was all fun in the sun but we really did get lots of work done!

I've got a bag of books ready to mail off to the winner of my vacation contest. Where oh where have you gone? Do you have any pics or links?
Don't forget to post a comment about your favorite vacation spot, include a link to pictures if you can, and I'll put your name in a draw for some great summer reading material!
I know what you were doing in those pictures. You were doing research! I find research to be a good excuse for just about anything. *g*
It's beautiful.
Of course, Tori! Research. Yes indeed he he.
Jane, you're right it was gorgeous. Any holiday plans yourself?
LOL, wish we could've gone back today, Wendy! Sure miss Dan's sumptuous breakfasts! And the hummingbirds and the uninterrupted writing time and the quiet and... Oh, just everything about that lovely island. :)
One of our favorite family vacations is the Land of Mouse aka Disneyland :)
I hafta pick just ONE vacation? Bummer. Um. Okay, the most recent one, to Hawaii. My BIL lives on the Big Island, so we did fun things like visit Hilo, the Volcanoes National Park (we saw Kilauea, but couldn't make the entire crater rim drive do the fact it's erupting...), swam in the lovely ocean, flew over to Oahu for a day of sightseeing on the Arizona, Mighty Mo, played on Waikiki Beach... Had a lovely dinner at Bubba Gump's... No pix available, but it was gorgeous! We had a really great time. BIL greeted us with lei's (I got a floral one, the men got ones made of nuts, which is rather appropriate.)
We still don't have any plans. My friend is going to the Bahamas for a week and I'm so jealous.
Mindy, Disneyland is a family favorite for us too.
Laura, I've been to Hawaii but never the Big Island. I lol'd at the lei's made of nuts!
Jane, the Bahamas would be gorgeous. I'm jealous too!
My DD just graduated from high school so before she starts the college grind, she and I are off on a roadtrip next Saturday to Destin, Florida. 6 days and 7 nites just us girls.
It's called the Emerald Coast. Gorgeous white quartz 'sand' beaches that are cool to the touch even at the hottest part of the day. Crystal clear water and the best part is that it was my DD's idea to roadtrip with her Mom.
We enjoyed the Willamet Valley in Oregon, but my favorite vacation is staying at a friends home in rural NY
His wife keeps me fed, he has a pool, cable TV and I can just veg out and relax. Barbara aka hot mama
Cearha, what a beautiful way to spend time with your daughter!
Barbara, there's a lot to be said for kicking back and relaxing. I could use the pool in this heatwave too!
Just came back from a Caribbean cruise and that is my favorite vacation this year.
you may have to scroll down.
One of my favorite vacation spots is Watkins Glen, NY. Lovely little town with beautiful natural sights such as the gorge and Seneca Lake.
nobatty went to see my vacation
can still see the old pictures at kathihwriter@yahoogroups
justy go to groups and put in my name kathihwriter. when the picture comes up join!!!!
I will approve you
I was in Michigan (upper and lower pen.), Ontario, new York state, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, iowa ( hmm all of the 'I" states methinks), Nebraska adn Colorado!!!!
Kathi h
Oh Yeah, about YOUR writing retreat. I am so glad you got so much writing done.
Why, it sounds like everytime you thought about just relaxing, you wrote something first. that is good since I love your stories!!!!!
kathi h
Dru, your cruise pics look fabulous! Hey, did you ever try making those towel figures when you got back home? It's not nearly as easy as it looks lol!
Meg, I couldn't get your link to work but I google-imaged Watkins Glen NY and it's beautiful!
Hey, Kathi h, waiting for your approval ;)
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